Saturday, May 31, 2008
Checking Etha's blog
Etha just let me know that there was a fire somewhere- not her house!- and that somehow that means her blog is down because her server is down.
So, if you tried the link and it didn't work, please check back again tomorrow!
Tag Time
1) Link back to the person who tagged you: here's the link
2)Post these rules on your blog
3)Share six (6) unimportant things about yourself
Ok- here goes:
I wear a size 8 1/2 shoe
I was 30 before I got my ears pierced
I cannot wear clothes made of/with wool or acetate
I got a prize in 4th grade for the best handwriting
The only time I ever went to the circus (with my family in 3rd grade) I forgot my glasses and couldn't see anything
I cannot knit no matter how many times I try to learn or who tries to teach me
Hmmmm... thinking up 6 things that are UNimportant- that have nothing to do with who or what you are- is not as easy as I thought it would be!
4) Tag six (6) people at the end of the entry
I am tagging:
There's a new contest at Sheetload of Cards. They are having a "Reader's Choice Guest Artist" contest and I have nominated my friend Etha. She does such beautiful work and I know she'd be great for Sheetload. Check out her blog and you'll see why I think so. If you agee with me, please go to the Sheetload site and nominate her also.
Now I have to spend some time making a few cards that I will need next week. Pictures when they are done.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend

This is another picture of the beautiful beach in the town where DB has a home. He and his family will be coming back to the USA on Thursday, so we are here to get the house all shipshape for their arrival and to enjoy the magnificent holiday weather.
I've got a lot of Memorial Day memories over the years. The earliest ones are of attending Mass in the chapel at my father's high school. He served in World War II as did most of his classmates. His yearbook had many pictures with small black ribbons attached to them. Every year he took me with him to the Mass at school, which was always followed by a short service at the war memorial outside of school. Between my own schools, the places DH and I have coached and both of us being teachers, I've learned quite a few alma maters in my time, but the first one I ever learned, and the one I can still sing today (although there has been no reason or excuse for many years) is that of my father's high school.
Memorial Day was always a day for my dad and all my uncles to remember their lost friends and brothers in arms. It was also a joyful time for my family- both sides were very blessed in losing no one during WWII. So, we were always a family that celebrated Memorial Day with a reason. We continue to be blessed. My brother served during VietNam but spent most of his time on a ship in the North Atlantic. My son is probably too old now, but would never be eligible for military duty due to his eyesight- which we discovered when he took the physical to apply for Annapolis many years ago.
This weekend will be a quiet one with only a small cookout on Sunday on the partying agenda. I woke up today horribly sick, so I hope I can eat by then! Other than that it will just be resting up, getting ready for the really hectic last few weeks of school, and maybe, finally, doing some playing with my pens, pencils and cardstock.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend- and please take the time to remember those for whom this weekend is intended as a tribute, our veterans.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
I love Iz's music. Yesterday was his birthday- he would have been 49.
My short month in Hawaii several years ago gave me a love of the Islands, the Hawaiian people and their beautiful culture.
At his death he was called a Hawaiian treasure. He is a treasure to the world.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Another fun quiz

Friday, May 16, 2008
More Yippee!!! and other things


Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Happy Art News
While there I saw a print on the wall of the hotel lobby that just absolutely entranced me! I actually asked the hotel manager to find out about the picture for me and she gave me the name of the artist, Nancy Noel.
Since then I have been stalking her work on eBay. I have looked on her website and have totally fallen in love with her Amish paintings. The one I saw first in Lancaster is still my favorite, and I WILL own it one of these days, but I also found another one that I REALLY want to get, and many that I would like to have.
One that fell into the "would like to have" category showed up the other day on ebay, and already framed even! I put in a low bid, never expecting it to sell for that amount, and somehow, no one overbid me!
So, I now own my first Nancy Noel print! I am very happy about this. I have visited Lancaster numerous times and each time I am more enthralled by the Amish culture and the simple but incredibly beautiful ways they "dress" their lives. One of their dolls sits on my living room window sill. Someday, an Amish quilt- a REAL one- will cover our bed. And now, one of our walls will hold one of these beautiful images.
Check out Nancy Noel's work if you like "realistic" but gorgeous representations. I'm not jinxing myself by writing the name of my favorite, but here is the one I just bought:

Isn't she gorgeous????
I will sleep happy and peaceful tonight, knowing she is on her way, and this image will make me smile every time I walk past it once she is home here.
I cannot help it- I love beauty.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Share a Sheetload
So, if you are interested in trying out the Sheetload technique, AND want to help a really great group in the process, just go over to the Sheetload blog and read all about it.
Looks like I'm going to try to find time this weekend to do a Sheetload!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunday evening, as usual.
Schoolbag is packed, clothes are ready for the week, laundry is almost caught up, grocery shopping is done: time for a new week and I'm ready!
I didn't do any actual crafting this weekend but I spent a bit of time studying. One of the weird things about my many crafting interests is that I spend as much time reading and researching as I do actual crafting. I have always done this. When I got really interested in cross-stitch I spent unknown hours studying the history of stitching, learning about all the current designers, studying the different types of needlework, etc. I learned about hardanger and crewel and blackwork, and the differences between pulled and drawn thread work. I think I took at least one class in almost every technique there is. I tried stumpwork, and did minature embroidery on 40 count silk over one. Then there was tatting and bobbin lace. I have a library about both of those also, and all the supplies I could ever want.
This weekend I printed out a master sheet for all my Prismacolors, and spent time making color swatches for each pencil that I own. I did the same last week for all my Twinkling H2Os. I also watched a video from Art Impressions on their watercolor technique. I definitely want more stamps from them- I tried the technique just once so far- see the beach scene in a post from a few days ago- and absolutely LOVE it. The video turned out to be very interesting and I learned a lot.
I also spent a couple of hours renewing my studies of Hawaiian quilting. I have virtually all the books written on that topic and spent time today going back to various online sites about it. I have 3 Hawaiian mini-quilts projects going on in differeing stages and I am determined to finish at least one of them this summer.
I guess I'm just a life-long learner. I am always looking to learn something new, try something new, master something new. I have to be reading or doing something educational or creative all the time.
Well, tomorrow my creativity will be aimed at teaching, so I'd better get to bed- it is WAY late for me to be up. Blame Frank Sinatra- TCM is having a Sinatra festival and there was a musical with Peter Lawford and Kathryn Grayson on that I had never seen. It was fun and now I'm tired, so off to bed I go!
I hope all the Moms had a great Mother's Day!PS- I finally got to use some stamps of Belinda Landtroop's from Clear Artistic Stamps. Belinda is a doll and her stamps are very unique- they are done from her hand-drawn art. Here's the card I made:

Friday, May 9, 2008
Shout out to Sheetload!

On the Sheetload blog each month they provide a template and set of directions for making a bunch of cards quickly using only a few supplies.
I tried this last month for the first time and really enjoyed it.
You can see samples of the cards I made in my gallery (link on the left).
Take the time to check this out- for those of us who like nice, precise measurements and clear directions, this is a great site.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Beautiful Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Beautiful Tuesday
I find myself wanting to be outdoors. I want to start wearing really bright colors. I want to wear sandals and ankle bracelets, and it's definitely time to get a new toe ring. There are some things that just shout "spring/summer" as soon as you put them on. Summer is my most favorite season, but I really love the spring because winter is gone and summer is coming and I can be warm and have the anticipation of even better days coming.
I think it is time to dig out the beach/patio chairs and sit outside after dinner. The little kids will be riding bikes up and down the block, the older kids will be skateboarding in the street and everyone will just be in a better-than-usual mood.
My DH is getting ready for his next trip- this time he is heading to the Pacific Northwest. I'm not quite as jealous this time- the lure of Mount Rainier and the daily rains of Oregon pales compared to my desire to see Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon. He also will be gone a LOT less than a month this time. Again, I am happy and thrilled for him that he is able to fulfill this, literally, dream-of-a-lifetime.
My aunt just got out of the hospital, so I will be sending her a card. It is one I made for the National Scrapbooking Day party on SCS Flybabies; this one was a sketch challenge. I still need to make a special envelope for it- and I will be able to do that in only about a minute, thanks to the Enveloper. This gizmo is a recent inport here from England and I REALLY like it.
I originally got the Top Score/Enveloper combo from Crafters Companion. I think they both work really well. Many of the posters at SCS are totally addicted to the Scor-Pal, with some others voting for the Scor-It. Both of those are more expensive than what I paid for the CC combo- which was a lot less than at the CC website. During a recent The Angel Company promotion I was able to get the Scor-Pal for 1/2 price, so, having read so many rave reviews at SCS, I did. Now I'm working on comparing them.
When it comes to scoring cards, for me the Top Score is easier- I don't mind moving my cardstock, and having the notations right on the board so I don't need to calculate is really nice. The Scor-Pal *might* give a little nicer score but it is close. However, when it comes to making envelopes, the Enveloper has the Scor-Pal totally beat for ease. Cut your paper to the correct size, make 4 scores determined by the chart and marked right on the board, fold, glue and VOILA! A beautiful envelope.
With the Scor-Pal you need to start from the dimensions of your card, make calculations, cut your paper, find the score lines, make scores, do some more cutting, then fold and glue. Notice the difference. Now, I'm a pretty smart person and all that is not difficult, but WHY would I do more work than I needed to do?
Another item is size. Since I use the scorer only for cards, I don't need it to be the more than 12" x 12" size of the Scor-Pal. The CC combo not only fits in my craft travel case, it fits in the front flap space. BIG difference. AND, noted here for a few special friends, the Scor-Pal is basically battelship grey while the Top Score and Enveloper are PURPLE!!! (Hi, D&C!!!)
I'm going to keep using the Scor-Pal for cards for a while, to see if I can discover what it is about this that makes so many at SCS such firm believers in the product. But, for envelopes, do not even TRY to get my Enveloper away from me!!!
You know what? The heck with waiting until after dinner- I am going to go find DH to set up the chairs outside, and go sit in the sunshine NOW.Here's the sketch challenge card I made Saturday and will be sending to Auntie (the image is an Elzybells stamp):

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Busy weekend

Friday, May 2, 2008
Fun Friday