I got all the framing done. They all turned out really well and I'm so happy that they did.
Last night John and I stayed home and watched old movies on TV- James Garner in Support Your Local Sheriff and Support Your Local Gunslinger. We had a lot of laughs and really enjoyed it.
Yesterday morning I went to a "Coffeefest", which means a gathering of the Flyladies group that I belong to here. We had a lot of fun, many laughs, and it was great to see them all again.
I also went shopping twice. By myself, on the way home from Coffeefest, I found the perfect frames for the last set of pictures, ON SALE! found marker and watercolor pencils for stamping, ON SALE!!!, and even got some new cardstock, also on sale- all at ACMoore. Later I went to Michael's with my friend Cindy, and got the $4.99 Fiskars cutters- bought two at the price, it's cheaper than replacing the blades, plus some things for Christmas presents.
Today I was doing Flylady drilling intermixed with a card-making chat on SplitCoastStampers. I got a LOT of housework done and finished 9 more cards. My goal was 20 but I got sidetracked, like any good SHE does. (SHE is a Flylady acronym for Sidetracked Home Executive.) Here's a picture of the card from the CK Holiday kit:

We were having a really good weekend. Getting lots done while having lots of fun. I even made a full-blown, official, Sunday dinner: roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn and applesauce. Then the phone rang.
Mom was calling to tell me that my younger brother was in the hospital at the shore in very serious condition. He needs surgery but also has a major infection and they cannot operate until the infection is controlled.
Hospitals at the shore have never been our first choice. We live in Philadelphia which has GREAT hospitals and therefore we are hospital snobs. No one in the family has used this particular shore hospital in years- an experience there many years ago with my grandfather kind of soured us on it and left us questioning the competence of the staff. However, DB is in a situation where he cannot be moved right now, and later could only be moved via ambulance.
So, for the last hour I have been emailing all my friends and former students asking for prayers, and trying to finish all the things I started today. I went to the basement to reboot the laundry and discovered that I had put clothes in the dryer and didn't turn it on at the same time I forgot to put the next load in the washer. So, I am behind schedule there.
My Sunday blog post will be about the same from here on as usual- I need to finish the laundry, iron and lay out my clothes for tomorrow, check my schoolbag for tomorrow, etc. In addition to the usual, I need to pack a bag so I can take my mother to the shore tomorrow.
So, I'm off to try and get things done, concentrate a little, then relax with my hot chocolate and one last TV show.
I hope everyone reading had as good of a Thanksgiving weekend as I did- up til the part about phone calls. It really was a GREAT weekend.