Here's the rest of the digital pages from my trip to Notre Dame last September.
I did these, as I do most of the pages I intend to print for a scrapbook, with Creative Memories Storybook Creator Plus. When I very first got it, I had already had Polaroid's My Memories Suite for about 2 weeks.
They are both very good programs. At the beginning I found it harder to manipulate the CM program, but that may just be because I already had used the MMS and was used to it's ways. Now, after a couple months of using them both, I definitely tend to go to the CM program most of the time.
There is, however, one big difference where I turn to the MMS. MMS has a lot more features besides making scrapbooks either by printing pages or ordering photobooks. MMS has significant multi-media options that CM does not.
I can turn any set of photos into a slideshow, with music and/or narration, then burn that to a CD and send it to family or friends. I am currently, very slowly (lol), making a heritage book of all the old OLD pictures I have from my family. When I finish making the individual pages, I will be first burning them to CDs in their basic format, so that everyone in the family can print out the books, or have them printed at Shutterfly or a like site. I will also be making a slideshow of the pages and burning CDs for all my aunts and cousins. This ability to use the scrapbook pages in more ways is a definite plus for the MMS program.
I truly do like the CM better just for pages- I have found it better for my style and my abilities than the MMS. But, I am very glad that I have both. Each has a particular use that I want and need, and I now know I would not be as happy with only one of them.
If you are considering getting into digital scrapbooking, take the time to really investigate and consider what YOUR primary desires from a program are.
Here are the first 4 pages of the 8 page group I did from pictures of my visit to Notre Dame last summer.
These were all done with Creative Memories Storybook Creator Plus. There is a link on my sidebar to the software, and several links to great sites for learning more about it. I love this software!
I spent the weekend last month at the scrapbook retreat weekend doing nothing but digi-scrapping. While everyone else was carrying in tons of stuff- like I usually do- this time all I brought was my laptop. It was SOOO easy packing up after the weekend!!
I'm not giving up my paper scrapbooking....yet! I have a room full of supplies that are for albums I've planned but not gotten to yet. Those will all be done in paper. But all my newest pictures, and the ones I take from now on, will definitely be scrapped digitally. I love the ease, the lack of mess, and mostly the space saving of digital scrapping. This will fit in so well with our downsizing efforts- which are sooooo necessary for when we move to a much smaller house.
The important thing is that I really ENJOY the digi-scrapping. I would not give up something I love just to save space and mess- but when I LOVE doing it AND it has so many advantages- how could I resist???
If you are a scrapper who like his/her computer, you should definitely check out one of the digital scrapbooking programs.
One of the biggest items on my "Bucket List" is a trip to Africa- especially Kenya. I cannot explain why, but I have always wanted to see Kenya. Here's a little vision of why.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The complicated airline reservations are made (more on that later), the condo is reserved and everything is set.......
Today is the 16th birthday for the little girl- yeah, I know, but that's how I think of her!- who is so seriously hurt.
Yesterday a group of her friends had a get-together in the park. They'd made I don't know HOW many little purple cardstock balloons and everyone who came could write a Happy Birthday or Get Well message on a balloon.
Also, everything (including this post, lol) was in purple- clearly her favorite color.
It was SOOOO neat to see multiple generations giving up a beautiful afternoon to do something special for a young girl and her family. I could not resist asking to take some pictures, and this is the page I made as soon as I got home.
Masters Sunday is a very special day at our house. We will all watch the coverage all afternoon, while following a very specific menu. It's a little OCD I know, but it is what we do.
Yes, and I know that Jack doesn't play in the Masters anymore, but this picture is from the famous 1986 Masters, when he roared to victory with an incredible final 9, at the age of 46. Most of our Masters' traditions (what we eat, who sits where) come from that day. He will always remain our favorite golfer of all time.
So I haven't posted in weeks. It's been a crazy, depressing, difficult, disappointing and exhausting couple of weeks. So, here's a few of the scattered good things that have happened since I last posted:
I spent a weekend at a scrapbooking retreat with some of my favorite friends. We had a terrific time and I really got going with my digi-scrapping. We ate, we laughed, we hiked a little, and I still got 29 pages completed- and the only "supplies" I had to take for the weekend was my laptop. It was terrific!
We spent a few days during Easter break in Florida with Auntie. While I had to spend most of my time doing grades, it was still lovely to be there with her. It was a most pleasant change to read term papers and mark exams on the lanai; it also offered the option to take a break with a dip in the pool.
The Junior Prom was wonderful. The kids looked terrific and beautiful and they really had a good time- and since they were having so much fun, so did I.
There was a big fund-raiser for a foundation established in memory of one of our students who died about 18 months ago. The turn-out was tremendous and I really had a great time seeing so many former students.
Finally, I am continually heartened by a Facebook event. A former student was critically injured in an accident recently and her friends set up a Facebook page to pray for her. There are now over 5400 people who have joined the page. While the accident has been one of the most depressing parts of the last few weeks, the response has been overwhelming. It cheers me every day to check the page and see the prayers and good wishes that continue to stream in constantly. No matter how bad things get, and they have been pretty bad recently, seeing the love and support for her and her family reminds me that there are so many good people in the world.
If you want to join in the incredible prayer chain, here's the LINK.
When I started this blog in October 2007, there was a story here about my connection to "Tilting With Windmills". Much of what was in that post no longer applies. Much other of it still does. So, here's the story.
When I was graduating from high school, more than 40 years ago, a group of my friend presented me with a print of Picasso's Don Quixote. They said it reminded me of them.
I get upset when things are wrong, even though getting upset cannot fix them. I dislike people who are cruel or petty or self-serving, and am frustrated that I cannot change them. I fight a daily battle with my health, although I know that every new day is another battle. I have a husband and close friends who support me, even when what I want or believe seems crazy.
So, the comparison with Don Quixote is perhaps an apt one. The story encourages me to take on the battles I see, even the hopeless ones. It reminds me to try to see the best in people. It comforts me that, in the end, even if my actions are futile, they are not meaningless.
I mean to try to continue "to dream the impossible dream".
Picasso's Don Quixote
Welcome to my Sidebar!
I've included lots of links on my sidebar to activities and topics I love. If you scroll down you can find out more about stamping, needlework, digital scrapbooking, tatting, teneriffe lace, Hawaiian quilts, historical fiction, interesting webcams, and lots of other esoteric stuff, and find blogs from authors, stampers, tatters, designers and needleworkers, and lots more.