Masters Sunday is a very special day at our house. We will all watch the coverage all afternoon, while following a very specific menu. It's a little OCD I know, but it is what we do.
Yes, and I know that Jack doesn't play in the Masters anymore, but this picture is from the famous 1986 Masters, when he roared to victory with an incredible final 9, at the age of 46. Most of our Masters' traditions (what we eat, who sits where) come from that day. He will always remain our favorite golfer of all time.
So I haven't posted in weeks. It's been a crazy, depressing, difficult, disappointing and exhausting couple of weeks. So, here's a few of the scattered good things that have happened since I last posted:
I spent a weekend at a scrapbooking retreat with some of my favorite friends. We had a terrific time and I really got going with my digi-scrapping. We ate, we laughed, we hiked a little, and I still got 29 pages completed- and the only "supplies" I had to take for the weekend was my laptop. It was terrific!
We spent a few days during Easter break in Florida with Auntie. While I had to spend most of my time doing grades, it was still lovely to be there with her. It was a most pleasant change to read term papers and mark exams on the lanai; it also offered the option to take a break with a dip in the pool.
The Junior Prom was wonderful. The kids looked terrific and beautiful and they really had a good time- and since they were having so much fun, so did I.
There was a big fund-raiser for a foundation established in memory of one of our students who died about 18 months ago. The turn-out was tremendous and I really had a great time seeing so many former students.
Finally, I am continually heartened by a Facebook event. A former student was critically injured in an accident recently and her friends set up a Facebook page to pray for her. There are now over 5400 people who have joined the page. While the accident has been one of the most depressing parts of the last few weeks, the response has been overwhelming. It cheers me every day to check the page and see the prayers and good wishes that continue to stream in constantly. No matter how bad things get, and they have been pretty bad recently, seeing the love and support for her and her family reminds me that there are so many good people in the world.
If you want to join in the incredible prayer chain, here's the LINK.
Hoping/praying for happier times soon.
1 comment:
The power of prayer is so amazing!
Glad to hear from you...
Dancingly, Denise
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