I got a Kindle for my birthday from my wonderful Auntie. So, I've had it for almost a month and I HAVE to say, I LOVE IT!!!
Right now it has 78 books in it- almost none of which cost anything. Lots of my favorite authors are from long ago and anything out of copyright can be found for free. So I have a complete collection of Jane Austen, plus lots of other stuff that I will really enjoy having available at any time, like Lucy Maud Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables), GK Chesterton (Fr. Brown), and PG Wodehouse (Jeeves and Wooster). These are the kinds of things I can pick up and read ANYTIME and always enjoy them.
I've also been trying out some things I never had the opportunity to read before, that are also long out-of-date. So far I have particularly enjoyed reading "The Prisoner of Zenda" after seeing the movie so many times. It was great fun to read "The Red House Mystery", often listed as one of the 100 Best Detective stories of the 20th century- and written by AA Milne, whom most of us know only as the author of Winnie the Pooh! "The Mysteries of Udolpho" is not only cited in Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey", but also in countless Regency Romances as something young ladies "should not be allowed to read", so naturally finding it on the Kindle Classics list was terrific news. So far, I cannot see what all the fuss is about, but I haven't gotten to the "classic Gothic" part yet.
I have had the frequent conversation "I love the feel of a book" with most people I tell about my Kindle. Having gotten a cover for it, for protection reasons, as soon as I received it, I can now say that a Kindle in a cover feels a lot like a book. In fact, the other night I tried to physically turn the page while I was immersed in "The Red House Mystery", so I guess I was not aware of that much difference, lol!
I'm going on a scrapbooking retreat next weekend, and to Florida over Easter break. Being able to carry untold numbers of books in one little package is SUCH a big improvement over loading down my luggage, that I am really excited about it. Seems silly, but for a voracious reader like me, being able to have so much reading material available wherever I go is FABULOUS!
I also have to praise the fact that my 58 year old eyes were considered when they designed the Kindle. I can change the font size and that makes reading WAY more comfortable than dealing with whatever the publisher chose for a book. I can still see small print pretty well, but when I read for hours, having the bigger type really makes a difference. (Why do you think I use this font and size for my blog, lol?!?)
I haven't gotten up the nerve yet to start tossing books that I can also have (or already do have!) on my Kindle, but the day when I give away (no, I could NEVER actually TOSS a book!!!) most of my library is coming. It has to come- we are getting ever closer to giving up this large house for something much smaller and more manageable. Right now there is somewhere in excess of 2000 books (probably closer to 2500+) in the room where I am sitting. They are in floor-to-ceiling bookcases that cover every wall space except the small area for the computer desk; the books are two deep on every shelf and there are more books laying on top of the two deep. In fact, I'm willing to share pictures of this disaster just to show how desperate the situation is!
Imagine 24 shelves like this! And, there are other bookcases around the house- in the living room, on the sunporch and in the basement. Yeah, we have a LOT of books!
So, for LOTS of reasons, I LOVE my Kindle. If you are thinking about one and any of *my* reasons for loving it apply to you, definitely I would recommend it.
Back to work for now, but later, my Kindle and I will be delving further into "The Mysteries of Udolpho"!
I love my Kindle, too! My mom gave me her first generation Kindle when she upgraded to the new large one. I also have fun looking for the freebies! I just finished reading Heat Wave by Richard Castle (from the t.v. show), and I started reading The Help this afternoon. Both were presents from Mom! I haven't spent one penny on a book yet!
I love that I can read several books at a time and always find where I left off. I finished The Canterville Ghost last week. I'm reading Sense and Sensibility, The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, and Gone With The Wind. Isn't it great to be able to take that many books along?
I have heard so much about the Kindle and I have to say I would love to have one! I do not get to read NEARLY enough. I cannot remember the last time I sat down with a book and read it! I have listened to books on CD while driving in the car to and from work, running errands and going to and from church but I think it would be fabulous to have the Kindle...conveniently tucked away for whenever I got a few moments to read some more! LOL
Enjoy your trip! I hope you are doing well! I think of you often!
Angel Hugs,
Glad to hear you love your Kindle. I have several friends who love theirs as well. My only complaint is now they no longer have books to hand down and share with me.....so off to the library I go to find what they recommend. Or look on my overcrowded book shelves........:)
Have a wonderful trip to FL. I hope you have a wonderful time.
Nope! never giving up the books. I'm past 6000 and they're staying!!
Hoping one of these days to get my hands on a Kindle - I'm betting it's a lot more convenient for reading in bed and being able to make notes without messing up the pages...ah wonderful all the built in tools. Not to mention the built in dictionary I understand they have. Some of my favorite Dorothy Sayers books are filled with Latin and French that I've long since forgotten...does Kindle work on those as well do you think?
Good to meet another bibliophile in cyber space.
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