Friday, April 11, 2008

So, who gets the blog candy????

The counter clicked over past 2000, but so far no one has claimed it!


Suzanne said...

Don't have a clue.....I didn't realize your counter was at the very bottom of the page....sneaky hiding it way down there. I wonder who it was..........?

How are things going for you? A bi better I hope!

Lee said...

I dunno........I go wandering and blog-hopping and completely lose track!!! LOL

Beth said...


OH-that's what I get for "juming in where I am"...never saw the counter, lol! Thanks, Suzanne, for clueing me in!

Anonymous said...

hoping it's me but realizing it's probably not! lol

thinker said...

hmmm.... don't know where my post went.... maybe I'll try a 2nd time?!

anyway, I know it's won't be me since I'm #2077.... but CONGRATS to whoever it is that claims/claimed the blog candy!!!!