Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Finally some tatting to show

One of the things I want to do this summer is get back to my needlework, in several forms, including tatting. Last year I joined a 25 motif tatting challenge, but never got very far with it. So, it is time to get back on board.

This little motif is #2 from "Minitats- 69 petite motifs" by Patti Duff. It's very tiny but it gets me started again. I still need to finish motif #3 for the challenge, but this is motif #4 for my challenge attempt. I hope to finish motif #3 sometime this week.

It is very, VERY hot today, so taking it easy is the general rule. I have to go out, however, as I discovered that my iphone does not ring when someone calls me. So, a trip to the AT&T store is required.

DH went home a little while ago, but he and we had a great weekend. By this time next week I'll be in Georgia; driving Auntie and the puppy home for their annual summer visit up North here. I do hope the weather is a little kinder for the trip.

Time to get ready to run errands, then back to my needles and shuttles later.


BSOTF said...

I think your motif is darling. I hope that you get to finish what you started even if it is a year later. So good luck. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of the things you make.

Aga Winnicka said...

I'm glad you picked up the challenge again. I know you can do it, I'm routing for you! You have my full support!!!

Eliz Davis aka Tatknot said...

I pulled that book off the shelf today myself! Little projects and the 25 Motif Challenge sound like a great combination to get going again. Welcome back!