Well, I am back to "living on the porch"!
Last week was a hectic rush of meetings, a funeral, packing, etc. Getting ready to come here is a lot of work. Then there was the unpacking, getting organized, etc. I LOVE when DH is here- we talk, a LOT, we watch TV, we read, it is quiet and fun.
However, he has gone back to the city and I am finally alone. LOVE him, don't get me wrong. LOVE having him here. But what I really, REALLY need is to unwind, decompress, whatever word you want to use. The last 8 months have been among the most stressful and most terrible of my life and I need to just relax fully.
So, now I am starting my vacation. I have 120+ books loaded into the Kindle. I have tatting, and cross stitch, and hardanger, and needlepoint, and crewel projects all waiting. (They are all SMALL projects, lol!) I have everything I need to make 100s of digital scrapbook pages. And, within limits, my time is my own! I'm a little annoyed with myself because I forgot to pack my Teneriffe lace books and supplies, but I don't think I'll get bored without them.
There is going to be a farmer's market this summer at the town pavilion every Wednesday, so I am looking forward to lots of fresh fruit. I also saw a notice about Yoga classes on the beach in the mornings- I may check that out. But mostly, I am going to read when I want, play with all my projects when I want, eat what and when I want, sleep when I want, even if it's the middle of the day; I'm going to try to find my way back from the anger and bitterness and depression to the happier person I know I used to be. And I will do that best by doing MY things.
I've already finished one book and most of the second; I have one in the Kindle for bedtime and one "real" book for the beach (no sand in the Kindle, please!); gotta see how many I can read in 6 weeks! Bought a bunch of new Creative Memories digital kits for my digi-scrapping today. I have the tatting and the hardanger pulled out but have not actually picked them up yet- maybe tonight!
I can only wish that everyone had a DH as wonderful as mine who would give them this time of peace and restoration.
My kind of vacation~!
I am SO glad that you are at the shore again :) Sort of live through you, breathing the salty air, shaking sand out of my shoes!! Hope your time is restorative and wonderful!
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