See all that purply-pink area?
That's all gonna be under snow- about a foot of it if they've got the forecast right.
And how do I feel about that?
Well, the stuff around the house to get ready for the new windows isn't done- but if we get a foot of snow, what is the likelihood that the window guys will show up anyway?
Christmas is totally NOT ready- still need to get some gifts and all kinds of other stuff to do as well.
But.... I love GOOD snowstorms. A good snowstorm is one that just KEEPS you home. Old movies on TV, lots of hot chocolate, good books. I never get anything much "productive" done with a snowstorm- there's just too much feeling like it's time to just hunker down and relax.
So, if this is a GOOD snowstorm, then I guess I won't get much done this weekend- and maybe that's exactly what I need.
I love a good snowstorm, but we haven't had one in years. The small amounts of white stuff we get make me believe we live in the twilight zone! Most of it heads north to Chicago or south to Champaign. Even Tattycat had snow in Birmingham, AL, before we saw one flake!
Well here is hoping for a good one! :)
Not getting much done here in Chester County today! Shoveling, baking, cuddling, stitching!
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