Here it is- my "little house" at the beach. It is not mine, of course, we only rent it. But I love it. From all the jalousie windows, which create a wonderful breeze almost all the time, DH came up with the expression "living on the porch" which is exactly how it feels.
I am finally getting settled in. We moved in yesterday so there was the packing at home, the unpacking when we got here, the grocery store run (done by DH, so sweet and helpful about my foot!), and all that kind of stuff. DS left for work early this morning and DH left just a little while ago.
Have I mentioned lately that I have the GREATEST DH in the world? He did most of the packing and unpacking. This morning he made another store run for a few forgotten items. Then he went out crabbing- and although the general wisdom is that you don't usually get crabs big enough to eat from the river until August, he came home with a dozen good sized ones. Then he cooked and cleaned them, and left me half. So, I will have a WONDERFUL dinner tonight of fresh caught and cooked crabs. YEAH!
DH is also most wonderful because he pays for the little house, even though this is basically *MY* vacation. He gets here on Saturday afternoon and leaves again Monday afternoon. In between I get weeks of wonderful solitude- time to rest, swim, stitch, read. I can do anything I want whenever I want- it is SOOOO re-creational.
I remember a talk at the end of the school year several years ago where we were told to remember that the word recreation and re-creation were really the same word. We can "re-create" ourselves as people and teachers each summer. It is a beautiful idea and one I have taken with me each year when I come down here.
I read until the middle of the night last night- finished a 400+ page book I started when we got settled last night. It's an OLD book, a novel of the life f Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's last queen, called The Ivy Crown. I (obviously!) really enjoyed it. So far today I have done a chapter in my SPanish book, had breakfast and a nice lunch, and got DH organized and out of here.
Now it's time to go get my daily intake of vitamin D- i.e. to go sit outside.
Nothing crafty to post yet- I'll be getting back to work on Aury's sampler later today.
I hope your weather is as beautiful as it is here!
Have a wonderful time! And not only do I hope you re-create, but you also have plenty of time to create!
Sounds absolutely delightful! Enjoy yourself -- you deserve it!!!
ohhhhhhhhhh BLISS!!
I want some of those crabs, FRESH!! unheard of here, everything is yuck frozen, like that is sea food...ugh. LOL
This looks like you will have a gorgeous and wonderful time to fuel up on much needed rest and energy, makes me feel good to know you are happy :)
What a delightful place and what a great husband to do all the things he does for you.
Enjoy your vacation! How long do you stay?
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