Well, it is WAY late- like I cannot remember the last time I was up this late! Tea with dessert after Thanksgiving dinner was NOT a good idea.
So, I was strolling around the Web and reading various blogs and groups. I had joined the EGA Cyberstitchers as a guest recently and finally went through all the posts from this month's online meeting. I discovered that they do a lot of stuff and I could get back to EGA- which I really enjoyed!- without the hassle and aggravation of chapter meetings- which I really did NOT enjoy!!!
I (and quite a few others) left our EGA chapter, and EGA, about 10 years ago after a series of events which my friend nicknamed "Stitch Wars"- a several weeks' onslaught of nasty phone calls and emails by a few women with way too much time and way too little sense or decency. It's a long story but one familiar to many of us- women are NOT always kind to other women, a phenomenon I have never understood.
But, through the wonders of the Internet I can belong to EGA (The Embroiderer's Guild of America), take classes, attend regional and national seminars if I am so inclined (and financially able), and get back to really learning about needlework and not just do it. And, I can do all this without the stress and strain of night-time meetings which are totally too much for me, or the potential aggravation of local chapter politics. I am very much looking forward to it.
Thanksgiving was nice. DD was home for dinner, and dessert was our old tradition of seeing DS' friends for peach cobbler- not a Thanksgiving tradition in most places, I know. It actually was one of those serendipitous occurences- about 12 years ago on TG, DS told me WAY too late to make extra pies that "a few" of his friends were stopping over after dinner. I had the makings of a recipe that I'd gotten from a friend in the cabinet and threw it together and into the oven. Well, they liked the pies and such but they LOVED the "peach cobbler". That was that. I've made this every TG since, they've come over every TG since, and I've even had to make it for special parties and once for a wedding reception!
So, we had our usual after dinner- dessert, coffee and tea (and I forgot to make mine decaf!- DUH!), lots of chatting, some TV- the Eagles were on and they WON!!!- and just a generally good time.
Tomorrow is a "purge" day around here. I rarely have the day before trash day off, and will take advantage and get rid of some stuff. Other than that, I'm resting most of the weekend- and waiting for my new dryer!
I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving- now to get ready for Christmas!
Sounds like you had a very nice day :) That's cool about the EGA!
Oh good! Glad it went well! :)
I think there are 2 kinds of women. Some like to talk and some are even good at small talk. I am not. I can talk if there is something to talk about and that's about it. Women are funny about who they befriend and why and sometimes they aren't as true as one would wish. LOLOLOLOL
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