A colleague told me today that I am looking tired and much older. She commented that if you looked at a picture of me from only a few years ago, I look much different now- and NOT in a good way. She also feels my health is a factor in how I look and that stress is the main factor for my deteriorating health. Considering that I deal already with several relatively obscure conditions and diseases and that the latest suspected disease is equally unknown to most people, I usually don't talk about it that much unless there are circumstances that make it necessary to explain myself. (Whining here I consider an acceptable exception to the rule, lol!)
Her final advice was that I had to start thinging of myself first. This is NOT something I am good at. I wasn't raised that way- I was raised totally to never think of myself first. I have a great many people to whom and for whom I am responsible and pushing those responsibilities lower on the priority list is really an unhappy and uncomfortable idea for me.
Intellectually I see the common sense in the advice. Emotionally it feels like abandonment of those I care about and who rely on me.
But, when what at first appeared to be a casual conversation turned to "you look like hell and here's why", well maybe I need to listen.
So, I promise to put me first for the next almost 48 hours (have to work Sunday afternoon for a while) and then what little is left of the weekend after that. I did bring work home, but maybe it'll just stay in my bag untouched all weekend.
In the meantime, there is also the stress of the PHILLIES!!!! I'm TOTALLY believing they CAN do it, but a little shaky on they WILL do it. Gotta dig out either a crochet project (I never crochet in hot weather so they're all put away) or a cross stitch project to keep my hands busy while I watch the game tonight.
I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend coming up!
7 hours ago
I'm sure your coworker wasn't trying to be rude--they were just looking out for you. Give yourself a weekend off Teresa! You can always relieve stress by yelling at the ballgame!
I know exactly what you mean about trying to put yourself first. I struggle with this all the time. If I do, I feel like I am being selfish and neglecting my family but then on the other hand you have to take care of yourself becuase who else will take care of you? I'll be praying for you. :)
not sure about the looks, but if you are not well, how can you take care of others :) see I am very selfish, I always put myself first, this way I am strong enough to take care of all the other people I want to take care off!
I have to agree with Etha. If you don't take care of yourself there is now way you will be strong enough to adequately take care of others. So please do take care of yourself...
You are like me!! not a good thing...like my kids say..mom just tell them no!!! if you don't have time..don't do it...if you don't want to ...don't do it! simple!!! (I know... not!!!!) I am working on it...& I hope this weekend does wonders for you!!! ;)
I think you should listen to her and then sit down and think about doing things that make you feel good. If those things make you feel good and happy you should do them and if you don't have time for all of them, then adjust. You seem to already be a great person with great intentions, so listen to your body and your gut feelings. God bless you and your husband.
Having a DD in the flight biz, may I remind you of the "put YOUR oxygen mask on 1st!" rule and WHY.
Besides, your friends need you healthy! ;) (COFFEEFEST?!?!?!?)
What is the new illness???? Please email me about it-I do NOT consider it whining.....even if you do!
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