This little guy was a siggie gift from one of my Flybaby friends on the SOAR board. Since my school is on "intensive" or block scheduling, every quarter is the equal to a semester at a school on a "regular" year-long class schedule.
Well, my grades are done- so I am one HAPPY camper. I'd be doing the "happy dance" but I don't think either my doctor OR my leg would agree!
My wonderful DH is in Carlsbad, New Mexico, getting ready to tour the caverns there tomorrow. I hope he gets some good pictures. I wonder- do you think HE will learn to scrapbook when he gets home with all these amazing pictures of all the places he's been? Nah!

It is a lovely card- I have no idea how they did the fuzzy effect on the flowers but it really looks great IRL. So, I loved getting this card. But the BEST part was what was inside!!! I won BLOG CANDY from Pamela's blog- so there was a sheet of stamps inside the card! The set is the beautiful collection called Bliss. Once I get some free time- say either after I finish PT or after school closes, whichever comes first- I am looking forward to playing with these and all my new stamps.
Speaking of stamps, I am going to the StampScrapArt Tour on Saturday. I have no idea how I will manage if the %^&* insurance company doesn't come through with the wheelchair by then, but going I AM!!! There was a scrapbooking show connected with a quilt show at a convention center near here several years ago and I saw some stamps there, but not a lot. This will be the first time I get to see a show primarily dedicated to stamps and I am really looking forward to it. I will probably totally break my budget for the Stamp-to-Spend challenge at SCS, but when you get a once-a-year at most chance like this, well, what's a girl to do?
I'm finally getting back into the swing at school. I stayed today and did a little tutoring, and the craft club girls started working on Mother's Day cards. We're going to sell these just like we did Christmas cards and add whatever we make to the money we raised at Christmas. I hope we make enough for some really nice playground equipment for the town in Appalachia. As soon as I remember to bring a few home, I'll post what the girls are making.
Time for bed- another long day tomorrow at school and I still get tired really easy.
Wow!!! What a beautiful card...that fuzz looks soooo cool!! Yaay for a milestone reached!!! Oh yeah......and totally a Yaaaay for a StampScrapArtTour.....I don't what it is........but it sure sounds awesome!! Can you rent a wheelchair from a pharmacy??? You bet I'd be going no matter what too!!! LOL
Have a great time at the convention! I go to one in Novi Michigan with my Mom every year. It is very hard to control that budget! If Marco's Paper is there - check them out. You can get some great deals. Oh - and bring a small mirror with you if you can. Some vendors have these big piles of unmounted rubber for super cheap, but you need to sort through to find things you want. You can read the writing if you reflect it in the mirror.
Have a great time!
Oh, you're going to have a ball! Unfortunately, I can't make it this weekend (or even to next weekend's show in Allentown) but they really are lots of fun. Make sure you have a camera and a little notebook, too, as you'll be bombarded with new ideas and you'll never remember them all (trust me, I speak from experience!) It's really bad when you buy some great product because of the amazing demo, then get it home and just stare at it, wondering why on earth you had to have it! :) One other tip - bring your own snacks/drinks. More $$ for stamps!!
Very cute card - and congrats on the blog candy! A very special round of applause for the end of a semester!! ;-) Just remember to keep taking it a little easy....
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