Saturday, September 18, 2010

I am BACK!

I have been away from here for quite a while! It has been an amazingly busy and hectic time. Here's the stuff that's been going on, in reverse order.

The Mercy banner in the picture is because tomorrow is the opening Mass and ceremony for the 150th Anniversary of the Academy of the Sisters of Mercy- originally located in North Philadelphia and now known as Gwynedd Mercy Academy. I am looking forward to seeing some classmates tomorrow, as well as celebrating the school that has meant so much to me throughout my life.

The last two weeks have been spent at my new school- learning to adapt to a new school schedule and a very tough personal class schedule. I have to say that everyone at my new school has been INCREDIBLE! The welcome those of us from CD have received, the understanding and compassion for our situation has been overwhelming. My class schedule is very difficult, too many classes together without a break, but my classes are terrific- the students are a joy!
I have been truly blessed to have landed where I did.

Before that was a busy but wonderful end of summer. In reverse order: We spent Labor Day weekend back in the little house "living on the porch" with magnificent weather. We went to my cousin's surprise 50th birthday party and had a great time seeing so many of the family. We spent 6 days in Disney World and had a great time. I drove Auntie back home to Florida and we had a good trip that included a stop in South Carolina at a cousin-in-law's home for a delightful weekend and a picnic on the Bull Run battlefield- I love visiting Civil War battlefields and had not been to Bull Run before.

Once I got home from the GLORIOUS time at the shore, I was busy running to school and trying to get my classroom in shape. It is still a long way from how I want it, but at least it is livable. The amount of STUFF I found in drawers and cabinets was amazing- and depressing, as there was literally NO PLACE to put anything of my own. There are still about 10 boxes in the garage that came from CD, but most of my basics are finally in my classroom. I got to know the maintenance crew very quickly- there were so many things I put out in the hallway for trash that they wanted to see who was doing that, lol! And, AGAIN, I have to thank my WONDERFUL CD kids for all their amazing help in getting the classroom looking good- these kids are so fabulous I don't know how to say it.

Well, my house is a disaster (time to get back on the FlyLady wagon!!!), I need to set up my gradebook for the year, and the laundry pile is almost as tall as me. So, time to get to work!

It feels really good to be back posting.


Denise said...

so glad to see you are back. Anxious to see how your new school journey is and where it takes you. I am totally jealous about the Disney thing;) Hey did you see my Disney scrapbook pages i did with paper piecings I made? There are two parts to the it on my is part one:

Flylady for me too...I have so much to do and the house always seems to suffer:)
Take good care

Cathy at Paper Garden Projects said...

Welcome back! I hope the school year is fabulous.