I've been using the snow day for some routine stuff- laundry and such- but mostly I've been getting better organized for my digital scrapbooking, and making my computer work better (I hope) in the process.
I'm moving all my pictures, my digi-scrap supplies, and also all my music off the computer. I've saved on an external hard-drive plus I am putting the files I want easy access to onto several flash drives. Believe it or not, I am on my 2nd 8GB flash of pictures, and filled an 8GB with digi-scrapping stuff!
Friday was "Oldies Day" at school, so here are a few pages I did using Creative Memories Storybook Creator Plus to scrapbook. I am really, REALLY learning to like this program!
More pages later- now off to make dinner and move more files.
Oh- did you hear? After the record-breaking snow storm of Friday night- Saturday, they have just changed out forecast for Tuesday night into Wednesday! Now they are saying 18"-24". It's so ludicrous that all I can do is laugh! What else is there?
Stay warm!
1 comment:
You are getting too too organized. With all of the you do, that is probably necessary anyway. LOL
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