I've finally found a little time to "play" on the computer.
This is my latest page for my family heritage digital album. It was done with Polaroid's My Memories Suite. I am doing all the heritage pages with MMS- it has one huge benefit over the Creative Memories Storybook Creator Plus for this specific project- it will layout in 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait style. (The CM SBC+ will only allow for landscape in this size.) Since I am doing this album with the intention of sharing it with my large family, I want my cousins to be able to print it out at home if they'd rather instead of having it made up as a photobook, and the portrait is much better than landscape for that option.
I have to check, but I believe this picture was taken around 1911. My next page will be another picture of him, taken around 1940- the contrast will be interesting.
The last several weeks have been devastating in terms of physical, intellectual and emotional exhaustion. Far too much work, far too many disappointments, and way too much drama. Christmas is looming and I have nothing done to get ready. I am weeks behind my normal pattern- and my normal pattern is not exactly being ready ahead of time, lol!
It's time to concentrate on home and family. I have a lot of schoolwork to do and catch up on, and I'll get that all done, and I must continue to be sensitive to the ongoing trauma that the kids are experiencing. But, starting now, I have to focus my non-school hours on myself and my family and Christmas, and I am determined to do that.
So, tomorrow is a FlyLady day around the house, with some Christmas organizing thrown in. Tonight, it's going to be spending time with DH, and maybe just a little Christmas planning. Mostly, it will be resting- I NEED it!
Oh he is so cool! Love that jacket and proud expression in his face :) That will be so neat when you can share all these with family :)
Great page and photo Theresa. I hope your disappointments don't get you to down during the holidays. I will not be going to Cindy's this Friday. We came into a big financial bill and I cannot afford to do anything that is not a necessity. Hope to see you soon though. Jenny M.
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