Here's another new digital scrapbook page. I am still just playing around- grab a picture and see what comes of it. For this page, done with Creative memories Storybook Creator Plus, I used a pre-designed layout that was basically just a sketch. One of these days I will settle down to a "real" digital project, but for now I'm learning and having fun.
This is about the *only* fun I'm having these days. Spent after school today at the dentist- ANOTHER root canal!- I soooo hate my teeth!
I am totally NOT into Thanksgiving this year- I just feel like a hypocrite even thinking about "celebrating". I am completely out of thanks and am not feeling particularly blessed right now either. But, when I tried to "cancel" TG, the family did not take it particularly well, so I guess I will be cleaning and cooking and all that stuff. Is there a Thanksgiving equivalent for "bah, humbug" ?
Sorry to be so grouchy, but I am tired, worn out and depressed. At least I have pictures, and memories, like the ones on the page above, to remember happier times.
Hmmmm.....think there's any chance I'll get into Christmas spirit?
What a great page :) I'm glad you get to have some digi-fun!!
I just thought this morning, the thought of turkey makes me gag, and I DO LIKE turkey...hmmmm!
I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am thinking about you.
Please take good care of yourself!
dancingly, denise
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