Monday, September 14, 2009

10 Book Challenge

I found this at StitchBitch's blog- and followed her link over to Reading and Stitching- obviously a blogger after my own heart! Click on the picture to go directly to the challenge post.

The challenge is to choose and list 10 books you will read by the end of the year.

I'm posting this tonight, but will have to wait a day or two to edit it and add my list- I wanted to get this "out there" as the deadline to sign up is tomorrow.

I can tell you that Book #1 will be: Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb. Amazon delivered it the other day and I'll be starting as soon as I finish As The World Churns.

Anyone else want to read along?


Shirley said...

You are too too much! I am barely able to keep up with stamp challenges. LOLOL

Suzanne said...

Wow! That's a lot of reading between now and the end of the year. Not much more than a week to read each book. I'll have to think on it. But I Will check it out.

Suzanne said...

OK call me a sucker for a challenge. It sounds like it is okay to count books that you "read" with your ears (audio books. So I will take this on. I am challenging myself to actually read at least half the books, but I do enjoy listening to books while doing other activities and this will help with the time crunch. So I'm with you. I have the first 4 of my list already up since they were already on my "To Be Read" list. I will finish the list tomorrow.
This will give me something to do while sitting with an IV in my arm for 4 hours three more times this year.

Angela said...

I'm reading along too, I seem to be changing my mind constantly about which books to read :) Looking forward to seeing your choices.