So, remember that small piece of tatting I showed you a couple weeks ago? Well, here it is again. Notice I say again, but that is not quite correct. The piece I showed you is now in the ort (needlework discards, floss ends, etc) jar, along with version #2. This is version #3.
The biggest deterrent to tatting is that making a mistake is a real issue because fixing a mistake is, well, let's see- annoying is not strong enough a word, aggravating comes kind of close but still doesn't hit it. It's a major Pain in the Neck!!! Loosening and undoing tatting once you've tightened it is definitely possible and I know some who do it- but unless I am 3 rings away from finishing something, I do NOT!
So when I messed up version #1, I cut it off and tossed it into the ort jar. Sometime after that, the mistake in #2 developed, so it followed its fellow. #3 is still ok so we'll see if I can get through this time.
This is not a big deal for me. I tat because I love the process. I love the feel of the motions; they are soothing and wonderful. IF I manage to finish something, that's a bonus.
So today, while I have not tatted (yet- don't rule out the possibility, the evening is still young!) I have spent some time checking out tatting on the Web. For anyone intrigued or interested by this most portable of lace making techniques (remember, everything you need fits into a sandwich-sized baggie, although I like to be "elegant" and use a small cosmetics bag), I have added a few sites to my sidebar- both a few blogs about tatting and some sources for information and materials.
I made the mistake on #2 in the waiting room at the dentist last week. It had a happy outcome anyway. The dental assistant came out and literally gasped "Are you tatting???!!!???" (That's when I knotted on a ring so it woud not slide anymore- must have been the shock, lol, of someone recognizing tatting!) Turns out she has been looking for a tatting teacher for months. Now, I am NO expert, but I have successfully taught the basics of rings and chains etc. I can definitely teach her enough for basic patterns and will recommend the Rebecca Jones book to her for back-up.
Now its back to Aury's sampler- DS is out tonight so there will be no distractions and I WILL finish and post parts 1 & 2!- and then maybe a little tatting before I head to bed with my latest book.
I'll tell you all about the book (I won my copy- WITH author's autograph!) once I've gotten a few pages read- it's "The Tory Widow" by Christine Blevins and set during the Revolution, a period I LOVE to read about.
OK- off to stitch!
Ah, yes, mistakes are terrible things in tatting, aren't they? It's not like crochet or knitting where you just pull on the thread or yarn and 2 seconds later you've unraveled 3 feet of work...OH NO! I think for each stitch that needs to be unpicked it takes about 30 seconds depending on how tight of a tatter you are and how small the thread is, LOL! So if you combine timing for one small ring it's taking more than 10 minutes just to unpick ONE RING! Aaargh!
The edging you are working on is nice.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm honored that you would put me on your blog roll! Thank you! I hope you come back and visit often! :) Nice to "meet" you!
Hi Teresa! Thanks for posting the link to your blog on the Clear Artistic Stamps group. Your tatting is so cool. I have never tatted but I am fascinated.
Wohoo, tatting AND stitching :) You're definitely getting your vacation quiet time there I can see!
I was stitching with you in thoughts yesterday, trying to get warmed up to be able to face the chatelaine monster!!
I can tell you really love this. It really is great therapy, huh! That's why I do all of this stuff I think.....and it is fun too of course
Your tatting looks very good. I too find un-tatting tedious, but since I do not like to deal with ends, I will open rings and unpick nearly all the time.
What pattern are you working on?
Thank you for adding me to your blog roll.
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