So, here's the lowdown: I need to go to the orthopaedic doctor tomorrow as I hurt my foot at WDW and had trouble walking for the last 3 days; I lost a filling that took a piece of the tooth with it- a FRONT tooth, hence the goofy closed mouth smile- so it's the dentist on Thursday; DH's tummy gave him trouble all weekend and I caught a bug Sunday that carried into Monday, so food was an issue for major portions of the weekend; DH's car was declared dead while we were away, so we had to go buy a new (to us, NOT new) car today.
In spite of all which, we had a FABULOUS time!!!!!!
The WDW good news report when I rest up, not from the vacation but from the day after!
16 hours ago
Great pictures!! love that toothless grin, I know all about that one ;)
So, you, hubby and car are falling apart slowly, the way of things, isn't it! Enjoy the new to you car and the beach, sand and cottage!!
I hear you on the foot and the tooth. Been there and done that! LOLOL
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