So, here I sit, sipping tea, which is staying on my stomach but uneasily. I am way behind on a bunch of stuff here so I thought I'd use some time to get a little caught up.
I got two blog awards in recent weeks which I've neglected to post. I am thrilled with both of them and very grateful.

I need to tell you 5 of my addictions and pass it along to 5 other fabulous bloggers.
So, 5 addictions?
1) Shopping on ebay. I don't buy all that much but I LOVE to stroll through there. I enjoy putting in some favorite thing (Just Nan or Shepherd's Bush needlework kits, rubber stamps, the name of a favorite author for whom I don't own every book they ever wrote) and seeing what comes up and what it is going for. I have gotten some great bargains there and it's fun!
2) Hershey's kisses. I love Hershey's kisses. I like to have about 4-5 every evening. I don't eat a lot of them- a big bag lasts me about 2 weeks, but I have to have them in the house.
3) Watches. I don't know if this is an "addiction" but I love having a lot of different watches. Mickey watches are my favorites but I also like dress watches and watches with multiple bands and watches with bracelet bands.
4) CROCS. My husband is always saying "how many pair of them do you own?" They are incredibly comfortable, totally practical for school and virtually indestructible. And, they're cute and come in great and fun colors!
5) Champagne! I LOVE champagne! I don't need Dom Perignon, but I only like decent/good champagne- cannot drink the $5 stuff! Given the option, I will always drink champagne.
Now for 5 fabulous blogs:
Lee's blog. If you want to see fabulous cards, this is the place! Lee is prolific- she makes wonderful cards, full of bling, and so many it is amazing!
Allison's blog. Allison's blog is a wonderful mix of great papercrafting, interesting stuff about her kids and her family, and an almost daily posting of newly discovered blogs.
Sharon b's blog. Pintangle is an incredible blog for anyone interested in needlework. I've been stitching for years, but I learn something almost everytime I got there and seeing what she is doing is awe-inspiring.
Word Wenches blog. The Word Wenches are a group of historical romance writers. I've read almost all of them and some of them are among my favorite Regency romance authors. Their blog is a mix of history, writers' experiences and just lots of fun stuff for anyone who reads historicals (romance or otherwise).
The Happiness Project. I found this blog fairly recently but I love checking it everytime she posts. It is a blog with helpful hints, but it is mostly a blog that will make you think. A little introspection is good for everyone and this blog will certainly inspire that.
Time for more meds and more bed rest- while I'm doing that I hope you are enjoying some new-found blogs!
Thanks for your lovely comments about my website I am pleased you enjoy it.
Champagne, huh? I'll have to remember that the next time we're scrapping. I love the bubbly, too!
yuck, no good, another bug :( Over here we have strep throat going around, not nice!! I don't think I've ever had that and I really don't want to find out how it is ;)
cudos on the award :)
Ohhh bummer!!! I'm so sorry you're sick....there is so much nasty stuff this winter!!! Thanks for the very cool blog award!!! I'll have to think about my addictions....well, we all know bling is one of them!! LOL Hope you're feeling better soon!!
So sorry you are sick again and hope it passes quick. No pun inteded. Congrats on your award too. You have such a warm and welcoming blog.
Thanks so much for the shout-out! I love that you regularly come visit and leave me such sweet comments!
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