I got to spend a little time on the WildEarth Drive this morning- first time in a LONG time I've done that. Pieter was following a young male leopard named Yambilu. I got a bunch of snaps but these two fascinated me as it really seems as if he is looking directly into the camera as if he knew what it was!
One of the fascinating things about the African safari drives is the relationship between the animals and the guides. The animals seem to know that they "belong" there and accept them. They do not seem bothered by the vehicles or the cameras or even the lights at night. Yet, this is no zoo or contained animal preserve- this is out in the middle of the African bush country- the Sabi Sands area of northwestern South Africa. The guides must still be always aware that they could become prey. It is wonderful that the magic of modern technology allows me to sit at my computer and "visit", live and in real time, the beauties of nature half the world away.
I really need to update my snaps on my sidebar, but there are many pictures there if you want an idea of the kinds of things you can see. The pictures are neat but seeing it live is the BEST. Under "links I like" on the sidebar you will find several of the African camera sites where you can visit various parts of Africa and watch the animals. Most of them are just permanent cameras without commentary, but the WildEarth camera runs two love safaris every day. CHECK IT OUT!
these pictures are great! Thanks for all the supportive comments on my digi adventures too....you'll love the class when you get a chance to take it!
awww, what sweet pictures! love his eye color!
I love your blog it is great. I love the pictures! Pictures set the blog and that is great. Great article thanks so much for sharing. I'm not sure how i found you but i always like making new blog friends. I believe i was looking for stuff on our sons condition esophageal atresia, i wish you the best.
wow!! this is a great find! my DD will go nuts for this!!! I miss visiting your blogg :( to much going on!!! we leave on curise tomorrow for key west & cazumel!
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