Most of the weekend was spent sitting or sleeping. The food report? Well, pretzels are ok (I am really liking Herr's Special Sourdough at the moment), saltines are ok, toast is ok. Chicken noodle soup didn't do so well. Tea and 7-Up are the safe drinks of choice. Oh, and I forgot to mention rice pudding!
Did some reading, a little TV and some looking at catalogs. Exciting news is that my friend is thinking about becoming a Close To My Heart rep. She looked at several different companies but CTMH is the most balanced one for products for both stampers and scrappers, so that's where she will do her inquiries first. I haven't gotten any new CTMH supplies since my previous rep gave up the business for family reasons 2 years ago.
I am still LOVING the TAC stamps- and need to get my act together and get an order in soon!- but I also really love CTMH products.
My DS unloaded my car trunk for me today so all the stuff that went to the Wedding Album Weekend but never got used is back in the house.
I'm hoping to go to the Heirloom Production's Rubber Stamp show in York next month- so if I can manage to have a healthy weekend I have that to look forward to!

I hope Etha and Belinda won't mind me stealing an image but I HAVE to show this. Etha made this beautiful card and the image is Pierette- a French female clown derived from the male Pierrot, who was originally from mime and the Italian Commedia dell'Arte.
She is, I think, QUITE beautiful.
Pierette is part of the Moondreams stamp set being released on Tuesday evening at Clear Artistic Stamps. There are three sets in the new release and they are ON SALE as a pre-order right now! Check THIS out if you want to get not three, but four sets of stamps for a great price.
I am looking forward to getting all the new stamps in the release, but I am positively thrilled about this gorgeous Pierette!
ETA: Gwen just added another Pierette image at the Clear Artistic Stamps Blog! Definitely check her out as well- she is, again, GORGEOUS!!!!
It is getting quite late. I need to get up early tomorrow no matter how rotten I feel- and if right now is any indication, I will still feel rotten.
Off to bed and the prospect of a new week!
Oh I was wondering if you were going to go to this show..Which day might you go? I am thinking about checking it out but due to a Saturday commitment can only go to the Sunday one. And that's if I can give myself permission to miss church that morning since it is a 90 minute drive or more for me. I ma going to another show in Westminster MD on Saturday Sept 27. The Stamp Scrap and Art Tour or something like that.
well, I don't think they will mind you spreading the beauty of Clear Artistic Stamps! I love this card that Etha made, too and I think it's so sweet of you to share it! You are such a great talent yourself, so we better see your creations soon too :) I hope you feel better and have a great time at the show--I went to that one here in WA in May, I think-it was really good! hugs and smiles for a great day!
well, I don't think they will mind you spreading the beauty of Clear Artistic Stamps! I love this card that Etha made, too and I think it's so sweet of you to share it! You are such a great talent yourself, so we better see your creations soon too :) I hope you feel better and have a great time at the show--I went to that one here in WA in May, I think-it was really good! hugs and smiles for a great day!
well, I don't think they will mind you spreading the beauty of Clear Artistic Stamps! I love this card that Etha made, too and I think it's so sweet of you to share it! You are such a great talent yourself, so we better see your creations soon too :) I hope you feel better and have a great time at the show--I went to that one here in WA in May, I think-it was really good! hugs and smiles for a great day!
Wow, Linsey really means it :)
Love my pierette on your blog LOL!
Make sure you and all your friends come to our release chat tomorrow night at 8 pm central!!
You are such a good blogger. Even when you don't feel well your blog is interesting. LOL That doesn't mean I like it when you are sick. Ha! I love Etha and Gwen's art.
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