Monday, February 18, 2008

Not my usual Sunday night

This is Mr. T, one of the Mapogo male lions that I have written about before.

It was an excellent night on the game drive at WildEarth. We saw several of the Mapogo although this is the only one that I could get a clear picture of.

After the Mapogo, there was a visit to a hippo at a waterhole.

Then came another delight! There has been for many months a female leopard and her 2 cubs in the Djuma area. We saw all three of them tonight, but only the young female cub was in a position to get her picture taken- Mom and bro were resting in the tall grass and were too hard to see to take a picture. Here she is:

She is quite beautiful, I think. Here she is resting about 20-30 feet above the ground, laying on a tree branch.

The rest of the weekend was a bit of a dud. I ended up having to come home early from my scrapbooking weekend and the weather is rotten and in general it was not terrific- but seeing both Mapogo and Karula and her cubs sure cheered me up!

Time to get to bed so I can do the morning drive tomorrow. Then I need to upload a bunch of snaps from WildEarth- I am way behind in posting them to my link.

Happy President's Day!


Lee said...

Awww......I love those leopards!! I didn't get on a drive this weekend as it was so crazy....I must hop on one soon!!! I'm sorry you had to cut your weekend short!! Have a wonderful week!!!

Christina Carnoy said...

tooooooooooo cool, I am very jealous!!!

Stephanie ODea said...

wow! you were able to get so close!
thank you for your kind words on my blog---I'm having a lot of fun with it.