This is NOT the kind of snowstorm that teachers and kids love, though. The driving is very bad right now, people doing the "rush hour" commute are going to be a long, tense time getting home, and by morning it will be all gone and raining. Lots of annoyance, stress and ultimately there will be school tomorrow. Ah, well.
It's been a really tense couple of days here with some problems with the administration at school, but the intervention of someone from the central office that runs the whole system has made it go away. Do they give administrators pills that take away their common sense?
I've been doing a little stamping/cardmaking but none of them are *ready* yet, so nothing to show.
There is a 3rd bloom on the original flower stem of my amaryllis and the bud on the other stem looks almost ready to pop. I am enjoying this so much- it is a treat just to walk past the plant and see those flowers.
The weather in South Africa must be conducive to the animals being active- there have been many more sightings on the drives lately than I was previously used to. I am only able to see the very early part of each drive at night (their dawn time drive) but even that bit has been exciting lately.

This is, obviously, a close-up shot of an elephant's eye (as I type I am hearing Rodgers and Hammerstein in my head). The guide who does many of the drives, Pieter, just loves elephants, so there is always lots of time to sit and observe them whenever he comes across them. One of my favorite things to watch, seen more often on the cams that are set up at waterholes, are the whole families/clans of elephants when they come to drink. Watching the tiny baby elephants scamper around under the adults is just too cute. Saw a video recently where one of the little ones falls into the waterhole and Mom scoops him out with her trunk. Really amazing to watch.
Time to make some dinner! Maybe the weatherman will be wrong and it will snow enough for a day off tomorrow- I would REALLY like that!
I hope you get your snow day!! I LOVE snow days....and I'm a SAHM!! LOL I've missed the drives in the past few days, I gotta jump back on again! I'm racking my brain......what Rodgers and Hammerstein song is about elephants??? I love musicals, but I can't remember any like that??
Hello! Just stopping in to see what's going on at tilting windmills. Fascinating! What is this "drives" thing?? It looks like it's so amazingly fun! I can tell you are really into it! And I see you have Lee hooked! Anyway, just wanted to say hi! I've been away from Flybabies for awhile while getting set up as a SU demonstrator...busy! But I've missed everyone, so taking a quick trip around to check in. Your life is amazing!
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